
How Labour will make you worse off

Let’s start with an irrefutable FACT: Labour governments have always trashed the British economy. From Attlee’s sterling crisis through Wilson’s devaluation and Brown’s huge 7% recession. And they always will […]

Africa coming good?

The countries of Africa, especially the sub Saharan bit, have a terrible history. Many of them were worse off after independence than they had been under their colonial masters. Corruption […]

Attlee, a disaster for Britain

I have already, in an earlier article, explained how Attlee continued wartime rationing for more than 6 years after WW2 ended, starving the British people. Not only that, he made […]

Why we like big corporations

Firstly it is important to understand that big corporations are actually quite rare in the real world. According to the FSB: “There were an estimated 5.2 million businesses in the […]

There is no poverty in Britain

Socialists always punish successful people and reward unsuccessful people. They call this social justice. Which is a huge lie because it is anything but just. And it is a big […]

TTIP is coming. And you will love it

Firstly a primer for socialists, who have no understanding of economics: Free trade and globalisation are incredibly good, they drive down prices, increase economic activity, alleviate poverty, decrease unemployment, increase […]

Zero hours = brilliant

Labour laws in Britain are vastly too strict and rigid, they were put together at a time when trade unions had excessive power which they abused on an immense scale, […]

Austerity = Labour lie

Gordon Brown’s recession (his team, including Ed Miliband and Ed Balls, must take some of the blame) created the deepest UK recession since the war. Manufacturing output declined 7% by the end […]