Ten Reasons We Don’t Have a Lockdown
Thoughts on lockdowns: 1) Our economy is so fragile that they daren’t do it. Previous over-reactions have cost trillions. 2) Omicron is happening so fast that it is probably already […]
Thoughts on lockdowns: 1) Our economy is so fragile that they daren’t do it. Previous over-reactions have cost trillions. 2) Omicron is happening so fast that it is probably already […]
Things are really interesting just now as we start to get to grips with Omicron. And things are (possibly) looking far, far less bad than many had been thinking. So […]
Military forces need to train as realistically as possible. In 1871 Helmuth von Moltke said that no plan survives first contact with the enemy, so it is normal to fight […]