News analysis

How come Ed Miliband still has his job?

Looking at the raw data of opinion polls is very interesting. YouGov are especially impressive. They tell us that LibDem support has collapsed, that UKIP has about twice their support […]

Ebola update

Sometimes, with a long drawn out event, we get news fatigue and stop paying attention, even though the calamity is getting worse and worse. So it seems with Ebola. The […]

Internet Trolls are great

I have been using social media avidly since before Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin existed. I was one of the first to join all three when they became available in the […]

Lord Freud is a hero

Lord Freud is is an unpaid Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. He is a great grandson of Sigmund Freud. He had a very successful career as a […]

UKIP "policies"

Proper political parties have policies, ideas that they want to implement to make Britain a better place. These policies are thoroughly thought through and properly costed. They then come under […]

Kobane, explained

The wonders of the Sykes Picot agreement is that it divided the Ottoman Empire up like a cake, with no concern about who was living where. This was bad news […]