News analysis

David Cameron and Andy Coulson

Some people seem to be drawing false inferences that the Prime Minister is in some way implicit in the News International story because he had employed an ex editor of […]

The last issue of the News of the World

The Guardian newspaper is whipping itself and its readers into a frenzy of righteous indignation over illegal hacking committed by the News of the World in order to obtain stories. […]

Junk mail from Avaaz

I received a junkmail from an organisation called Avaaz who are using online activism to try and change the world. They say “Avaaz empowers millions of people from all walks […]

So the News of the World was hacking mobile phones as a tool of journalism. We know that the red top newspapers are utter scum so this comes as no […]

Sell some of these islands to Turkey

So the European Union is considering the terms for lending Greece yet another massive tranche of money. The most that they can possibly succeed in doing is to delay the […]

So now Ken Clarke’s much needed and very well thought out penal reforms are going to be watered down, the latest in a series of government moves that, whilst not […]

So the people of Greece are enjoying their strikes and their demonstrations just as they enjoyed the good life when they were spending very many billions of other people’s money. […]