
Let's shoot the NIMBYs

I have previously written about our utterly dysfunctional housing market here and here. Basically we have disproportionate power in the hands of a relatively small coterie of anti planning fascist […]

The BBC must go

Jeremy Clarkson is a top rung professional journalist, he is an excellent entertainer and he is very driven and hard working. Which is why Top Gear is the most successful […]

More on education

After writing my article What is wrong with UK education. And how to fix it, I have been engaged on social media with some interesting views. Basically the progressives and social […]

Some great Green Party policies

Here are some of the Green Party policies and, as you will see, a lot of them make great sense. (Click the highlighted text to go to my erudite article […]

There is no poverty in Britain

Socialists always punish successful people and reward unsuccessful people. They call this social justice. Which is a huge lie because it is anything but just. And it is a big […]

TTIP is coming. And you will love it

Firstly a primer for socialists, who have no understanding of economics: Free trade and globalisation are incredibly good, they drive down prices, increase economic activity, alleviate poverty, decrease unemployment, increase […]

Austerity = Labour lie

Gordon Brown’s recession (his team, including Ed Miliband and Ed Balls, must take some of the blame) created the deepest UK recession since the war. Manufacturing output declined 7% by the end […]