
Ed Miliband memes

Ed Miliband was forced on the Labour party members and MPs, against their wishes, by the trade unions, who obviously thought that he would jump when they told him to. […]

Some good political memes

The Conservative party tries a bit to create and spread memes on the social media. But they could do a whole lot better. So I thought I would collect a […]

Zionism = Nazism, internet memes

I wrote earlier that there is much on the internet quite rightly comparing Nazism and Zionism, the similarities are startling. So I thought I would copy to you some of […]

The state is not your friend

Ronald Reagan was one of the great American presidents. Many wish he was alive today to deal with ISIS and Putin. He truly understood how government worked so it is […]

About my social liberalism

My economic politics are quite libertarian; Mises, Rothbard and Hayek. Minarchist is the closest you will get to it in one word. The belief that everything the state does it […]

MP salaries need to be doubled

When you first learn economics you are taught the basic laws of supply and demand. How there is more supply as things become more expensive. It is what has driven […]

Feminism is an utter joke

Firstly let’s get a definition out of the way. The word “equality” gets bandied around a lot, indiscriminately, and with little thought. In our society there are two main sorts […]

Socialism is Evil - 7 articles

For thousand of years humanity has advanced, we have become vastly richer and enjoy ever better life quality. Even major calamities like wars, epidemics and natural disasters are quickly overcome. […]