
Why do SJWs love vermin so much?

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, and intentions to animals. This is why Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the World Wildlife Fund and all the eco warriors put […]

Brexit. So much good news

So much noise is made about the Single Market that commentators forget that the EU forces us to be part of something much worse and much bigger. A Customs Union. […]

What does Brexit really mean?

You will be seeing a lot of discussion in the media at the moment about “Soft Brexit” and “Hard Brexit”. Please ignore it, this is just another attempt by the […]

The economics of Helicopter Drops

We live in interesting economic times. The world has not recovered from the 2008 recession and all the policies that governments have tried to fix this have not worked. So […]

David Cameron. The verdict

Today the UK loses one of its great Prime Ministers. Far, far better than Major, Heath, Callaghan, Blair, Wilson and Brown who were all, in their different ways, abject failures. […]

EU referendum. The FACTS

The debate about the UK’s continued EU membership contains a lot of hot air and lies, especially from the remain side of the argument, who are using Project Fear, telling […]