Conservatives must win for the future of the UK
People forget quickly, but just 5 years ago our economy was utterly trashed in one of the sharpest recessions in history and with government spending wildly out of control. All […]
People forget quickly, but just 5 years ago our economy was utterly trashed in one of the sharpest recessions in history and with government spending wildly out of control. All […]
(Throughout click on the highlighted text to see further analysis) This article is your complete education about the Islamic state. It is a lot different to what your government and […]
History has taught us, repeatedly, that voting Labour is always a form of self harm. Like shooting yourself in the foot with a 12 bore shotgun or like turkeys voting […]
Earlier I wrote an article about how the press and politicians use the word Troll completely out of its true meaning and that real internet Trolls are a good thing. […]
In Britain we have what is called a representative democracy, where each and every voter has a specific MP to look after their interests. Voting is in a simple first […]
The United Kingdom child sexual abuse panel inquiry is an overarching investigation into a series of cases in the United Kingdom concerning allegations of historic child sex abuse within government […]
Ed Miliband is in huge trouble, he is deeply unpopular within the country and even within his own party there are many calls for him to go. So he is […]
Lord Freud is is an unpaid Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. He is a great grandson of Sigmund Freud. He had a very successful career as a […]
This is so unimportant that I wasn’t going to write about it. But yesterday at conference I was grabbed by a Sun journalist about it, hence my picture in the […]
If you average out the opinion polls on voting intention the Labour Party are consistently around 3% ahead of the Conservative party. Not only that, the Labour Party have two […]
The Conservative party tries a bit to create and spread memes on the social media. But they could do a whole lot better. So I thought I would collect a […]
So the wealthier / better educated / more intelligent people voted NO. The less wealthy / poorly educated / less intelligent people voted YES. And amazingly there are 55.3 % […]